Cosmetic Dental Bonding – Billerica, MA

Giving Light Touch-Ups to Your Teeth

Many smile flaws are large and eye-catching, but not all of them are. Some tend to be subtle – a slight chip in the teeth, a few tooth stains, etc. That means your grin may only need a light touch-up to enhance its good looks! Thankfully, you can rely on our practice’s cosmetic dental bonding in Billerica. This service would hide slight issues with your teeth, ensuring they have a gorgeous appearance. Read on to learn more, or book a consultation today!

What is Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

A dentist working with a special composite resin

In essence, cosmetic dental bonding is a treatment that hides your smile’s small flaws. It applies tooth-colored resin to imperfect areas of your teeth -  stains, chips, cracks, etc. By doing so, its results blend seamlessly once the resin is sculpted and hardened.

A cosmetic dental bonding treatment only takes a visit or two. As it starts, the dental team cleans your flawed teeth and removes their decayed or damaged portions. They’ll then apply and sculpt the resin onto the relevant bits of your enamel. The bonding process ends once our dentists polish your teeth and make a few last-minute changes.

Who is a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

An elderly man receiving a brief oral exam

Most folks can quickly qualify for a cosmetic dental bonding treatment; it doesn’t have really serious requirements. In fact, you only need to be a healthy adult (or late teen) to get it. Still, this procedure’s best candidates only have small smile flaws; the bonding process doesn’t work well for severe faults.

Due to these facts, cosmetic dental bonding is ideal for those with issues like:

  • Light to Moderate Tooth Stains
  • Slightly Chipped or Cracked Teeth
  • Teeth with Small Gaps Between Them
  • Oddly-Shaped Teeth
  • Short and/or “Stubby” Teeth

Of course, please consult us before you commit to care. We’ll gladly check your smile to see if cosmetic dental bonding is the right choice. Based on our findings, we’ll then draft a custom treatment plan to help you achieve your dream grin.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dental Bonding

A dentist showing their patient his new smile in the mirror

Even if it only fixes minor smile flaws, cosmetic dental bonding has many top-tier benefits. The treatment’s perks include the following:

  • Versatile Care – Since its resin can cover the whole fronts of teeth, cosmetic dental bonding is highly versatile. The treatment can address tooth stains, chips, cracks, misalignments, and more.
  • Easy Maintenance – It doesn’t take much to help your cosmetic dental bonding results last. The effects can last 3-10 years, with twice-daily brushing and once-daily flossing.
  • Quick & Simple Work – Cosmetic dental bonding is faster and less invasive than other aesthetic options. In most cases, we can perform it in one smooth and pain-free visit.
  • Cost-Effective Results – Today’s cosmetic dental bonding doesn’t cost much, and it can last years with good care. The treatment is thus very cost-effective.