Grateful Dentists Blog

What Dental Emergencies Cause Facial Pain?

January 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 7:42 pm
a patient struggling with dental pain

Life can come to a screeching halt when you sustain a dental emergency—and sometimes these situations can cause a great deal of facial pain! But how do you know when this discomfort necessitates a visit to your emergency dentist? Here are some dental problems that are known for causing facial pain and why it’s always in your best interest to visit your dentist for relief.


6 Things Your Dentist Wouldn’t Put in their Mouth

December 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 5:41 pm
Picture of a stack of lemons

People trust dentists with their teeth because dentists know what makes for good oral health. They’ve been through enough dental school and seen enough dental emergencies to know what things should be avoided. That’s why it’s good to take note of the things that your dentist would never put in their mouth. Here are a few such things, along with what makes them so dangerous


Is Tooth Pain a Dental Emergency?

November 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 10:22 pm
Woman with toothache

Are you dealing with a toothache? Tooth pain can be excruciatingly painful, and it never seems to disappear on its own. Even if you think that you’re tough enough to handle the pain, this doesn’t mean that you should continue without dental attention. Tooth pain means that something isn’t right in your mouth, so you should have your dentist take a look. Continue reading to learn whether or not a toothache is considered a dental emergency and some of the possible causes.


How Long Do You Need to Wear Your Retainers After Invisalign?

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 7:07 pm
patient smiling while holding retainers

Many people look forward to the end of their Invisalign treatment because they’re excited to show off their beautiful straight smiles. While you may think your journey stops there, you actually have to wear retainers to preserve your hard-earned results. If you fail to do so, your teeth may shift back to their original position. Read on to learn more about wearing a retainer after Invisalign and how it can help you maintain a stunning smile.


Do I Really Need to Replace a Missing Back Tooth?

August 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 4:31 pm
woman with a dental implant chewing a red apple

If you lose one of your front teeth, replacing it as soon as possible is a no-brainer. But what about if you’re missing a tooth toward the back of your mouth? After all, no one around you will be able to tell that you don’t have all of your pearly whites. Unfortunately, tooth loss is more than just an aesthetic issue. Even just one missing tooth can impact your daily life and long-term oral health in ways you might not have considered. Here’s what you need to know about whether you should replace a missing back tooth.


Can Invisalign Fix My Overbite?

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 3:59 pm
smiling person holding an Invisalign clear aligner

Since Invisalign clear aligners first came on the market in 1998, more than 13 million people worldwide have been able to straighten their teeth without the awkwardness and discomfort of metal braces. Maybe you’re considering getting Invisalign yourself. However, you may have heard that traditional braces are more effective at correcting bite alignment problems. You might be wondering whether Invisalign can fix your overbite. Keep reading to learn the answer!


Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign

July 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 5:34 pm
Woman holding up Invisalign aligner

With more than 12 million patients around the world, it’s possible you already know quite a bit about Invisalign. Of course, it’s still natural to have questions on your mind, especially if you’re seriously considering treatment. Fortunately, learning the answers to frequently asked Invisalign questions is as simple as reading on!


How to Prepare for Your Invisalign Treatment

June 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 7:52 pm
Man at dentist getting Invisalign

After years of dealing with misalignment, Invisalign is the perfect solution that you’ve been looking for. Even though you are eager to attend your consultation and learn how you can watch your smile transform, you may be feeling unprepared. By closely following the instructions of your dentist, you will see beautiful results soon enough. However, there are some steps that you may want to take to prepare for your upcoming orthodontic treatment. Continue reading to find out what they are.


Do Dental Implants Make You Look Younger?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 10:11 pm
mature couple smiling

Eating healthy or plastic surgery are paths you can take in an attempt to rediscover your youth. When you have one or more missing teeth, you are considering what will help you look good once again, but you also want to select an option with a high degree of functionality. Do dental implants make you look younger? Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Billerica how dental implants can turn back the clock for you!


5 Questions to Ask Prior to Your Smile Makeover

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 2:41 pm
patient talking with dentist about smile makeover

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you wish you could improve it entirely? Fortunately, a smile makeover can be the best thing for you! By combining cosmetic and restorative dental treatments, you can achieve the pearly whites you’ve always wanted. But maybe you have some concerns about what to expect from your procedure. Read on to learn five questions to ask your dentist in Billerica before your smile makeover!

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