Grateful Dentists Blog

Eating With New Dentures: A Saga

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 10:15 pm
Older woman about to enjoy a meal with her dentures

One day, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the restored oral function your dentures are designed to provide you with. But when they’re new, adjustment can feel more like a journey. Or a saga. If you’re ready to turn the page on eating with your new dentures, keep reading. These tips will help you get to the next level!


Dental Bonding vs. Veneers: Which One Is Right for You?

July 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 8:42 pm
patient smiling while visiting cosmetic dentist

Wish you could have a beautiful, confident smile? Well, you’re in luck, because that’s easily achievable with cosmetic dentistry! These days, you have more options than ever before to enhance your pearly whites. Cosmetic dental bonding and veneers are two of the most popular services available today. While both deliver stunning results, there are key differences between the two. Here’s what you should know to help narrow down the right treatment for your goals.


Same-Day Solutions: Pros & Cons of CEREC Dental Crowns

June 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 2:37 pm
Hands removing CEREC same-day dental crown from milling machine

Traditionally, it takes multiple appointments over a few weeks to be fitted with a dental crown because it’s built in a special laboratory to match the shape, shade, and size of your natural teeth. However, if your dentist uses CEREC same-day technology, they can provide a restoration without the long wait. It’s natural to wonder whether this method is better than the tried-and-true way of doing things. Read on to learn more about some of the pros and cons of this technique to decide if it’s right for you!


When It Comes to Teeth Whitening, Not All White Shines as Bright

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 9:25 pm

Like many other people, you want a whiter, brighter smile, but getting your teeth to that perfect shade isn’t always as easy as simply brushing and flossing. Sometimes things like our diets, habits, and age can stain our teeth beyond what our toothpaste can handle, and professional whitening is the best option.

But not all whitening treatment is the same. The “affordable” over-the-counter strips, gels, and devices you see in stores and on social media differ from the professional treatments available from your dentist. In fact, what may seem like a good deal can cause more harm than good.

Here are a few important differences between at-home and in-office whitening treatments.


How Much Will It Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 5:54 pm
Patient relaxing in patient chair

Dental implants are an alluring option for tooth replacement. They’re secure, durable, and powerful enough that you might just forget they’re made of porcelain. However, if you’ve done your research or are in the process of collecting the facts, you know that the implant process seems intense. It might seem so intense, in fact, that you’re starting to worry.

If you’re shying away from dental implants because of your pain threshold, keep reading. You’ll find that it won’t matter if you have a high or low pain tolerance – the treatment is not as uncomfortable as it sounds.


What Dental Emergencies Cause Facial Pain?

March 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 3:55 am
patient suffering from facial pain holding cheek

A toothache can really throw off your day and make it hard to sleep well. The sharp pain can make it tough to concentrate, eat, or even enjoy time out with friends. While not all dental issues cause facial pain, it’s important to know what’s causing any discomfort and get help quickly. Read on to learn about the reasons for facial pain and how an emergency dentist can help ease your pain.


Invisalign Refinements 101: What You Need to Know

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 11:11 pm
Woman smiling with her first Invisalign refinements tray

If you’re currently straightening your teeth with Invisalign, you might have heard about something called “Invisalign refinements.” But what are they, and how do they fit into your treatment plan? Continue reading to delve into the world of Invisalign refinements and learn all about this sometimes-necessary aspect of your orthodontic treatment.


Why Smoking and Dentures Don’t Mix

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 4:05 pm
Man smoking with dentures

Smoking is a habit that can have serious consequences for your oral health. While quitting smoking is good for your health in general, it becomes even more important when you have dentures. If you want to learn why smoking and denture prosthetics don’t mix, continue reading.


How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

December 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 2:42 am
dentist holding out pair of dentures

If you’re dealing with missing teeth and want to fill in your smile, dentures offer a personalized solution to restore both function and aesthetics. These custom-made removable dental devices provide a natural-looking smile, improved chewing, and essential facial muscle support. But how long does it take to get them? To learn more about the denture process, continue reading for insights into the steps involved.


The Modern Choice: 5 Reasons for Opting for Tooth-Colored Fillings

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 6:33 pm
A man smiling with his composite dental fillings

When faced with the need for dental fillings, patients today are lucky to have options. Tooth-colored (composite) fillings have a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional amalgam fillings made from combined metals. These fillings are the most popular among dentists and patients for many reasons, not just their looks.

Continue reading to find five ways tooth-colored fillings are superior to their amalgam counterparts.

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