Eating With New Dentures: A Saga

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 10:15 pm
Older woman about to enjoy a meal with her dentures

One day, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the restored oral function your dentures are designed to provide you with. But when they’re new, adjustment can feel more like a journey. Or a saga. If you’re ready to turn the page on eating with your new dentures, keep reading. These tips will help you get to the next level!

Start Soft and Simple

Part of the reason it can be difficult to eat with new dentures is that your mouth may very well be sore. Another is that you’re simply not used to the way the device feels and moves in your mouth. In both cases, it’s going to be tough to practice if you start with the hardest foods to eat. Keep your meals soft and squishy, then gradually work your way up the food chain by trying increasingly more solid snacks.

Make Small Cuts

It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book but cutting your food down to size can make a huge difference. Smaller bites are easier to maneuver in your mouth, and don’t require you to bite down and tear when your gums are still tender. It’s definitely worth pausing a moment to slice and dice before you eat.

Chew Slowly and Carefully

When you learned how to drive a car, did you start at 75 MPH? Of course not! Trying to pick up new skills in a rush is how you hurt yourself. In the case of dentures, you could accidently bite your tongue or cut your gums. Take your time with your food, chewing evenly on both sides of your mouth if you can. This will reduce discomfort and give you a better idea of what you and your prosthetic are capable of.

“Cheat” With Denture Adhesive

Did you wish there was some sort of button that could help your dentures stay in place while you eat? Well, there is, in a sense. Denture adhesive is designed to do exactly that – it’s just not a button, naturally. They can help make the whole eating experience a lot smoother, even after you get adjusted. Just be prepared to do some research and spend a little more time cleaning your prosthetic. There are different types of denture adhesives, and each leaves a residue behind that you’ll have to scrub off after each use.

If you liked these tips for eating with new dentures, then consider giving your dentist a call. They can give you even more advice and can take it a step further by tailoring suggestions to suit your unique preferences and needs. They’ll guide you along your new denture journey!

 About the Practice

Drs. Adam Danzig and Rachel Snook know how important it is to feel confident with your teeth. Both are highly qualified and caring professionals who would be happy to help you adjust to your new dentures. Whether you need a repair, re-fitting, or simply some advice, they’ll support your journey with exceptional service and treatment results! To contact their office, call (978) 667-5807.

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